Miscellaneous Articles
Pick Your Role Models Carefully

Pick Your Role Models Carefully

The headlines are full of leadership wisdom from our modern industry titans: Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Jobs (even though he passed away nearly 10 years ago).   Do you want to be like them? What I can say for certain is that I don’t aspire to be Elon Musk, Steve...

Jargon – Is it helping or hurting?

Jargon – Is it helping or hurting?

Jargon and acronyms fill the business world.  Lean has an entire vocabulary such as 5S, kaizen, Kanban, and hoshin kanri.  EOS™ uses terms like rocks and Level 10™. Then we can throw in the acronyms: DOH, OTD, DSO, PPM, TTM, CAGR, PM,  just to name a few. We could go...

Why I Changed My Company Name

Why I Changed My Company Name

I started my consulting company two years ago under the name Pinpoint Advisory. After about a year, I changed the name to Rob Tracy Factory Solutions to better explain the focus of my services. I’ve now made a final change to Rob Tracy Consulting, and I’d like to...

The Power of Positivity in Customer Service

The Power of Positivity in Customer Service

I’ve been focusing a lot on customer service these days, and the impact it has on buyer loyalty. While there’s most likely a marketing guru out there with piles of data on this subject, I prefer to share examples from my personal experience. Recently, I’ve had a few...

A Year for the Books: My 2019 Reading List

A Year for the Books: My 2019 Reading List

If you’re a life-long learner like I am, chances are your “must-read” list gets longer with each year. It seems like there’s never enough time to get to everything, but in 2019 I’m proud to say I was able to do a solid amount of reading. Below, you’ll find a list of...
