Short projects, lasting two weeks to three months, are a common occurrence. Managing them takes more than a single "to-do" but doesn't require a full-blown project plan. That's where I like to use a project charter. For me, a project charter is a simple, one-page...
Communicating Big Changes
All is well, remain calm!!! Announcing big changes is scary. How are the people going to react? What do I say when I don't know the answers? How am I supposed to say this, when I think it's a stupid idea? If you're a leader, sooner or later you'll need to announce a...
No More Wimpy To-dos!
Photo by Sincerely Media on UnsplashTo-dos are tiny commitments that have a big impact. We give and take to-dos in almost every meeting. Ifyou're doing shop floor tier meetings or doing Level 10™ meetings as part ofEOS®, you know what this feels like. Yet many to-dos...
It’s OK to interrupt…Sometimes
Photo by cottonbro from PexelsSometimes it’s ok to interrupt. In fact it’s necessary. Facilitators need to know when to let the meeting flow and when it’s time to interject and redirect. Check out the video to learn the five situations where it’s ok to assert...
The Power of the Pen
Photo by cottonbro from PexelsDo NOT Automate My Report!In my early career, I was a programmer at a big company, and I wrote a program that would create a report that would save the VP of Ops a lot of time.I was called to his office, expecting to receive praise and...
Leading Change – Where to Focus
Photo by Dan Meyers on UnsplashLeadership, or lack thereof, is often cited as one of the primary reasons that major change initiatives fail. In this post, I am sharing some advice about where leaders should focus their limited time and attention to have the maximum...